What in Heaven is Jesus Doing on Earth?

Today is Ascension Day, the 40th day of Easter. Jesus ascended to the Father 40 days after His resurrection (Acts 1:1-9).

The Ascension is not something we think about often, but it is vitally important to our lives as followers of Jesus. Just what is Jesus doing in heaven that matters for us on earth? Way more than I can tell you here, but here’s a taste:

He is subduing all His enemies, ruling in power over all people, places, and things, and empowering and filling His people to be a refreshing, renewing dew on the earth. (Psalm 110, Luke 22:69, Ephesians 1:19-23)

He is seated . . . having finished the work necessary to give repentance and forgiveness of sins to all His people. (Acts 5:30-32, Hebrews 1:3)

He is sending His Spirit to fill all those who believe the good news about Jesus, enabling them to know Jesus and make Him known. (Acts 2:32-36)

He is standing up to encourage and welcome all those who suffer for His sake.(Acts 7:54-60)

He is sympathizing with our weaknesses, ready to give us grace in our time of need. (Hebrews 4:14-16)

And this is merely the tip of the iceberg of all that Jesus is doing in heaven for us on earth!

One of our elders texted to the rest of us today: “I am reminded again this morning that a throne stands in heaven and there is One sitting on the throne (Revelation 4:2).”

Yes and Amen! Today we celebrate that Jesus ascended to that throne. He is alive. He reigns. There is always help and hope in Him.

Here’s a podcast and an article that might encourage you to consider more about why the Ascension of Jesus to heaven is essential to your life on earth:

The Bad Plan of the Ascension

Christ’s Threefold Ministry From Heaven’s Throne

Seeking grace at His throne with you,

Jimmy D.

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