Knowing, Hearing, and Joining God’s Story

The key to living the good life that is available now is to join God's story, to see life as He sees it and learn to live it as He wants it lived. But first we must know it. We must together hear it, told not by me or by any other human but by God Himself. We need to hear the Master Storyteller tell His story. And that means reading the Bible and listening as the storyline unfolds and develops in all sixty-six chapters . . .

What’s All This Talk About The Power Of Preaching?

What's all this talk about "the power of preaching," when the power is in the Word (inscribed and Incarnate) that is preached?  I am too often more concerned about my preaching delivery than I am about preaching the Word who delivers.  Bryan Chapell explains: Christ remains active in his Word, performing divine tasks that one … Continue reading What’s All This Talk About The Power Of Preaching?